Just Be You đŸ„

3 min readJul 7, 2022

How does it feel to live unconsciously most of the time and act like everything is perfect?

Life is not just a play of thoughts but a sea of consciousness ever expanding and ever evolving with each passing wave.

When our consciousness is powerful and beyond limits then why are we trapped in poor mind games only?

We are trapped in duality, hence define experiences as good or bad.

These terminologies are perhaps result of human desires and expectations from each other. Our perception gives meaning to our experiences and we categorise them in good or bad frame.

If we just raise our level of awareness and try to look beyond this concept of duality, we will witness a remarkable shift in our thinking.

Do I have to be good enough to be accepted? Should I behave or act in a particular way so as to get approval by group of people around me?

It’s all a matter of MIND. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter

Throughout our lives, we have been struggling with opinions and judgments of society about self. It’s always been a task to choose between heart and mind.

How we live and behave if approved by majority, then our sense of false security is well guarded and nourished.

Breaking a set pattern and challenging the old impractical beliefs can be a tough task initially. But once we realise the power of mind, we will be least bothered about people and their opinions.

We have become so fragile or I would say unconscious, that any body can enter in territory of our mind and disturb it’s wiring and we are left with no choice but to keep entertaining such entities for life.

Who is in control?

Is it me who is leading this life or the people around whom I have allowed to trample over my emotions?

If this life belongs to me, and I am the creator of my destiny, then why am I so scared and bothered about the judgements people hurl at me just to satisfy their inflated ego or ignorance?

We are working arduously to raise our life standards, but what about our inner self?

We are still fearful and trapped in age old traumatic belief system and dogmatic thinking, that it takes immense courage to question the worn out patterns still running deep within our system.

We are unwilling to let go the comfortable but false anchorage of our traditions.

One must dare to break the pattern of continuous emotional trauma haunting us and making us feel miserable and unhappy about self.

When everything looks so dull and worthless in life despite being materially satisfied, then we start to ask questions about life and it’s mysteries. We can never be truly happy if our inner child isn’t enjoying this play of life.

Challenge your belief system and follow your heart đŸ€—

Following everything blindly just because majority is doing so, doesn’t resonate with our inner voice.

We all are unique individuals having special talents hidden within. But we hardly get the chance to explore them as this is not supposed to fit in our well structured society.

But when our inner self is not satisfied and happy with old ways of living, dare to set your own new rules and follow the authentic path.

Follow your ♄ heart no matter what opinions people have about you. Once you start enjoying your own individuality and express your authenticity, your magical abilities and talents will find a beautiful expression through you.

Then no matter what happens in the outer world, your inner self will always be overjoyed and enthusiastic by just being YOU. 🙋

You are the one who is leading this whole Drama. Be a magnificent one 😇..đŸŒ·..😇




In search of finding key to ultimate happiness so that I can cherish and share it with every being on earth. Book reading and self exploration is my passion.