Nature is my most reliable friend amidst life challenges

5 min readApr 14, 2022

We are so involved in this crazy race of getting somewhere that we literally forget to look around and observe the stillness, signalling us to calm down and rest for a while. In this fast paced marathon of life we have accepted chaos and tension to be normal and carry the burden of our unresolved emotions for years not even realizing how harmful it is for us!

But mother earth is always there for our rescue. Whenever we find ourselves lost or confused in this journey of life, we are embraced by the unconditional love and magic of this wonderful nature. This is perhaps the best gift we could ever have in our entire life.

Nature comes to our rescue when we are lost

Existence is so intelligent than our understanding of it that it has already created natural wellness centers for humans to rest and rejuvenate. Whenever we are stressed out and feel lost, we straight away drift towards nature, looking for some respite from our ongoing mental or physiological stress. This is the magic of this existence. We are genetically connected with our environment and we automatically get pulled towards it when ever we need some answers to our ongoing life challenges. Nature has created a wonderful serendipity. We all have experienced the serendipity of relevant information being received at a time when we were least expecting them. There are magical surprises in abundance for all of us to cherish.

If we observe this creation carefully, we will discover a well planned and organised system working perfectly in a harmonious way. There is no chaos, no hurry but extreme calmness and serenity.

Over a period of time we have weakened this beautiful connection with our roots which has lead to chaos in our lives giving rise to many mental and health issues. But we all know that wilderness is not just a luxury but basic necessity of humans, and the place to rediscover our true self. Nature is not just a place for adventure but it is home for our heart to love and grow.

Nature is my ultimate retreat

Over a period of time I have myself experienced the calming and magical effect of nature on my own psyche. Life is going to teach us some tough lessons with the pleasantries of life. This is the fact we all must accept. Only after accepting things the way they are, we can move out of our old mindset of escaping the pain. By only facing the fear we can overcome it.

There was a time, when everything seemed so worthless. It was hard to get out of certain situations and life seemed so burdensome. I personally feel that pain can teach us so much what thousand of sermons and books can’t do it all together.

During that grey patch of my life, nature and creativity just happened to be my best friends.

I just fell in love with my creative side and various gifts of nature all around me. Literally when I was in the company of these two reliable friends, I used to lose the sense of time and space. Gardening was already my hobby but now it had turned into passion. Literally I rediscovered myself and got to understand this play of life in depth. It was a feeling of joy, security, happiness which slowly turned into self empowerment and an everlasting bond of love and friendship. This communion with nature has shifted my old mindset of being a victim to the one who is ready to take responsibility for its own action and accept challenges as stepping stones to learn and grow in life.

Experiencing life helps us to understand it better

When we connect with nature and its creation, we tend to get possessive about it. Initially I was very protective about my plants and creative stuff. If I lost one because of unfavorable weather or because of my own mistakes, it used to hurt me a lot. But with the passage of time I have learnt to let go and accept the ephemeral nature of life all around me.

And this very basic lesson has been taught to me by nature itself. Nothing is going to last forever.

Love is not about possessiveness but flow.

I m not responsible for other’s journey and they are here to play their own role.

We meet unlimited number of people in this lifetime, connect with some and disconnect with others. Only after facing this world we will understand its design. We accept the reality or not but later or sooner we do adapt to game of life. And with the passage of time we realize that every incident has some learning behind it so as to make us understand the design of this life journey.

Harmony with nature cultivates a sense of wonder

Waking up in the twilight hours of morning is the most relaxing time we all must witness. A gentle touch of fresh breeze on our face, refreshing fragrance in the air, sweet melodies of chirping birds and stillness of the early morning caresses the soul with an aroma so pleasant and serene that one wants to surrender to this everlasting joy. Just being witness to this morning glory creates a magical communion with nature.

This experience often evoke our senses and cause a shift in our perspective towards this beautiful world, as we realize how small our life is in front of this vast cosmos full of unexplained mysteries and pleasant magical gifts. All the natural luxuries are free of cost and easily available for us round the clock.

We should be grateful for such a magical world being woven around us, just to make us thrive and grow without expecting any reward in return.

Nature teaches us a very beautiful lesson of harmony and mutual co operation. Its love and care is without any condition and once we revive this connection with nature, it will be easy for us to understand the challenges we face during our life time.

Plug Into Your Source to Empower Self

There lies a magical healing power in nature. We just need to plug into that source of energy which is always open to embrace and uplift our spirit. Make conscious effort to go out in open natural spaces and be a silent observer. Just witnessing this creation silently can open up closed channels of love and guidance within us and we get aligned with the sense of awareness that embodies this entire creation.

Direct contact with nature balances the flow of energy inside us and heals us mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically. There is a sense of tranquility, peace and immense joy when we maintain a harmonious relationship with nature.

Eventually, I found the way within only after rediscovering the magical connection with this everlasting joy and unconditional love of nature.

“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature” — Zeno




In search of finding key to ultimate happiness so that I can cherish and share it with every being on earth. Book reading and self exploration is my passion.